Struck Inside Out

Three Lessons I Learned From Love and Heartbreak



In this episode, the host Danielle Bertoli discusses the lessons she's learned from relationships, particularly focusing on early experiences and personal growth. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining individual identity, trusting instincts, and fostering healthy communication to navigate the complexities of romantic partnerships. Takeaway Bullet Points: -Don't lose sight of yourself in a relationship; maintain your own happiness and fulfillment. -Trust your instincts; if something feels off, it probably is, and it's okay to address it. -Communicate openly and constructively; avoid negative responses and focus on proactive conflict resolution for healthier relationships. -Prioritize self-awareness and individual fulfillment: It's essential not to lose yourself in a relationship. Maintain your own happiness and fulfillment, and remember that your partner should complement your life, not define it. -Trust your instincts: If something doesn't feel right in a relationship, trust your g