Garden America Saturday

California's February Garden A Burst of Color and Activity



In February, California gardens are a testament to the state's unique climate, offering a vibrant tableau despite the winter season. While much of the country shivers under a blanket of snow, California's milder temperatures allow a variety of plants to flourish. Winter-blooming flowers like camellias add splashes of color. Citrus trees, heavy with fruit, stand as bright beacons in the soft winter light, and succulents continue to thrive, adding texture and interest. Gardeners might also tend to cool-season vegetables such as kale, chard, and broccoli, which thrive in the cooler weather. The February garden in California is a busy place, with preparations underway for spring plantings, pruning of dormant trees, and the ongoing joy of harvesting winter crops, making it a dynamic and rewarding time for garden enthusiasts.Resource Links Mentioned During The Show: Join our gardening podcast and radio show Garden America LIVE every Saturday from 8