Doctor Who: The Sonic Toolbox

Episode 152: Doctor Who is The Caretaker of This Review



Something weird's going on at Coal Hill School (again) and, of course, the Doctor is right smack dab in the middle of it.  And so are we, right along with him.  This week, it's "The Caretaker" and we're taking care not just of reviewing the story this week, but there's so much sciencey goodness packed into this story that it's going to leak out into future TST episodes if we're not careful (and we're not).  Not to mention (which we do) Danny Pink finally makes it into the TARDIS and gets himself stuck in the Doctor's craw. "The Caretaker" has got so many talking points for this review we may not have any room for the rabbits. (Yeah. Don't bet on it.) WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS Don't for get to stop by our Facebook page and leave a comment. or Email us at or Tweet at us - we're @thesonictoolbox