Doctor Who: The Sonic Toolbox

Episode 155: Flatline Review in 3D!



No Kiefer Sutherland here.  Tho that  wouldn't have made this story any less creepy.  Grab your MP3 playing devices and practice your levitation spells as we review this week's Doctor Who episode "Flatline".  This is where good ole' Steven Moffat now makes the very walls, floors and ceilings that once kept out all the baddies unsafe to go near.  What's next? A monster that disguises itself as our very clothing? Too late, Moff.  The Tomorrow People already did that. No news, but feedback! And a small herd of rabbits (can you call them a "herd"?) stop by for a chat. WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS (Sorry about the sound quality this week.  Did the best we could to clean it up, but technology was not being cooporative.)