Holmes Movies

Alternative Oscars - Episode 16 - 87th Academy Awards



It’s Awards Season yet again. Here on the Holmes Movies Podcast that means, it is time for the Alternative Oscars episodes! AKA the Anders and Adam-emy Awards: Each episode for this series we pick a different year in Oscars history and attempt to correct the record, stripping the undeserving of their garlands while recognizing those who were cruelly overlooked.This time, we will be casting our eye back to… the 87th Academy Awards, the year that honoured the best films of 2014. It was held February 22nd 2015 at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, California. It was hosted by Barney Stinson himself Neil Patrick Harris. It was an event that was marred by slight controversy after the nominations were announced. The hashtags #OscarsSoWhite and #WhiteOscars circulated around the internet after that. This was an Oscars event we wanted to look at and change somethings, as we did not agree with certain films getting nominated and others that did not. It was the year of Birdman Vs Boyhood. Listen to the episode and find