Unraveling With Greg And Joey

Episode 11 - Asymptotes, Clapping Music, and Drunken Knitting



Episode 11: Asymptotes, Clapping Music, and Drunken Knitting In Episode 11, Greg and Joey talk about math, music, and drinking while knitting. Notes Giveaway: We reviewed and are giving away a copy of Modern Lopi: Oneby Lars Rains. Listen to the podcast and check out our Ravelry group for details and a chance to win. Thanks to KnitVentures and Lars Rains for the review copies and prize. Greg and Joey both enjoyed this book and recommend it.  Podcasts: Teaching Your Brain To Knit Yarns at Yin Hoo Ready, Set Knit (Episode 440 includes an interview with Lars Rains) Patterns: Giant Color Shift Brioche Scarf by Shaina Scott — Shaina gave Joey this pattern because Joey wants to knit a brioche scarf Projects: Strie Socks, Top Down by Lara Neel from her Sock Architecture (affiliate link) book — Greg’s socks. He’s incorporating the Fish Lips Kiss Heel by Sox Therapist, and loving how the FLK Heel is working out (project page). Next time Greg knits a FLK Heel, he’s going to use theinstructions on how to do it i