Delight Your Marriage

418-Appreciate Your Spouse's Uniqueness



"We're just so different." "We have nothing in common." "Our personalities are not compatible."   This is a big problem in marriages.  People notice differences and assume it's a bad thing.  This is understandable...but very wrong.    God, in His amazing creativity, designed your spouse and you differently.  He also made a deer look differently than an alligator. He made a duck's personality differently than an anaconda's.  He made the octopus loners, but curious, and the ant disciplined, but incredibly collaborative. Why do we assume and expect God to make two humans alike?  Especially when the two sexes are SO different in many other ways (hair growth, voice pitch, hip name a few!) You're different from your spouse and it's to be marveled at as God's handiwork (Ephesians 3).  And, HE knit your spouse together (Psalms 139).  You GET to appreciate their uncommon traits. Not scowl and be annoyed at how unusual they are. This is GOD's creativity that YOU get to enjoy if you have the right perspective