Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR 3.157: From Setback to Success: Revolutionizing Work-Life Balance with Katie Santoro



Have you ever wondered how a crushing setback could unexpectedly pave the way to success? Katie Santoro, the CEO and founder of River City Virtual Assistance, joins Tim with a tale that's as enlightening as it is empowering. She opens up about her journey from closing a business during the pandemic to pioneering a new venture that champions work-life balance and combats burnout. To achieve sustainable growth, Katie emphasizes the importance of developing processes and systems that prevent burnout. She discusses time management, delegation, and creating a supportive team environment as vital components of her business's success.    Who is Katie Santoro?   Katie Santoro is the founder of River City Virtual Assistants, which she established in 2020 at the height of the global pandemic. After years of considering virtual assisting, Katie was pushed down a new path due to burnout. She combined her years of experience in the legal and insurance industry with the experience gained running her first business venture,