Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

2024 - Week 5 - Be Adventurous



All the links 2024 - Week 5 - Be Adventurous This is an episode about how the mind creates ideas and stories. And how it’s important to decide what’s important to you and not let your mind get carried away. My birthday was January 22, which fell on a Monday and my intention was to do a trip to a cabin with my husband, it’s a vacation we’ve not done together before. I like doing new things and not necessarily traveling to places I’ve been before, unless it’s going to Destin Florida, which I absolutely adore. I digress. In my mind, I found a place, and we would go there and be nice and cozy. I also created this lovely weekend of snuggling up somewhere, and staying warm and just relaxing. Well, my mind creates all kinds of interesting stories and adventures. As it came closer to the time to book something, I didn’t want to do that. A part of me wanted to stay home. Another part of me wanted to go away. I was back and forth for a few weeks. I just couldn’t decide. See how the mind does! Guess what I did... I let