Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

Greater | Part 3 | The Myth of Greener Pastures | Michelle Snook



The Myth of Greener Pastures Greater: The Supremacy of Jesus Through Hebrews January 21, 2024 We are studying our way through the book of Hebrews in a sermon series we’ve called Greater. The letter of Hebrews was written to encourage Jewish followers of Jesus who were at risk of forgetting all that they had received in Christ and returning to the comfort zone of the past. It’s a pull we all feel at one time or another. In the world of human endeavor and achievement, there is always room for improvement. Our world is caught up in the endless pursuit of whatever is faster, farther, higher, or better. Forever in search of greener pastures, we seem never to be satisfied. The author of Hebrews reminds us that in Christ we no longer have to strive for bigger, better, faster or farther. In Christ, we are whole, healed, complete, forgiven. There is no greener pasture to be found than the hope we have in Jesus. I hope you’ll join us this Sunday. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP -----------------