Online Radio

LatinX w/ Adrián Bello & La Dame Blanche - 4th Aug 2020 (Español)



Podcast: LatinX Tuesday 7PM UK Find out more at LatinX is a WIDE Radio production in London. Voice and script: Erick Elola from Germany. Production and Edition by Manolo López and Pedrito Love in London - Mexico City. Thank you to Bullterrier FM for broadcasting the new Latinx music wave across Mexico. Tracklist: Paloma Mami - Mami La Dame Blanche - La Mentalista Kinky - Que Retumbe Tatiana Hazel - In My Room! Odisseo - Admirador Alex Anwandter - Locura Adrián Bello, Josean Log - Escondidos Adrián Bello, Ximena Sariñana - Explosion Mecano - Barco a Venus