
Dealing with the Impact of War - Sept. 4, 2017



For over four years, the Institute for the Health and Security of Military Families at Kansas State University has worked to address the health and resilience of military personnel, veterans and their families. The Institute is home to a group of scientists from diverse programs across the university. On this week’s Perspective program, a look at an effort to identify and address the complex effects of wartime service. Guest: Dr. Briana Nelson Goff, professor in the School of Family Studies and Human Services at Kansas State University and director of the Institute for the Health and Security of Military Families. Perspective is a weekly public affairs program hosted by Richard Baker, communications professor at Kansas State University. Perspective has been continuously produced for radio stations across the nation by K-State for well over six decades. The program has included interviews with dignitaries, authors and thought leaders from around the world. Send comments, questions or requests for copies of pas