Tough Girl Podcast

Nikki Love - 56, Running across Australia from Perth to Sydney 4,044kms in 76 days! Setting the women’s record! #RunAustralia



Nikki Love is an adventure runner, a sports psychology under-grad, and a motivator of dreaming big, taking action and achieving extraordinary goals. Nikki turned 50 in 2017 and decided it was time to take her love for travel, marathon running, and cross-country running to a new level.  She is now on a mission to run across, around, or through as many countries that her feet can take her, bringing as many people as she can along for the run. Her big adventures include running 63 marathons in 63 days through the UK to celebrate her 50th birthday, a craic of a 750 mile run around Ireland, a runcation through Malta and around Gozo, a jolly jaunt across the Netherlands, an extremely muddy and cow-pat laden run from top to bottom of Wales, a 40 day x 1,000 miles treadmill run, and on July 16, 2023 at the age of 56 Nikki set the women’s record for running across Australia from Perth to Sydney 4,044kms in 76 days, 3 hours and 43 minutes. Driven by her curiosity to answer the question “I wonder if I can do that…”  Ni