Watch This With Rick Ramos

#477 - Alien Resurrection - WatchThis W/RickRamos



Nothing Left to Say: John-Pierre Jeunet's Alien Resurrection Closing in on the end of the month brings us to the end of the original Alien franchise. 1997s Alien Resurrection is a ridiculous mess of a film that is a final disappointing period to one of the greatest Horror/Sci-Fi franchises in the history of cinema. From a script by Joss Whedon and direction from Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Alien Ressurrection badly fumbles the beauty, intensity, and  legacy of the first two films and the potential of what the third film should (and could) have been. There's a whole lot to get out in this discussion. We hope that you listen with an open mind and an understanding of our mutual disappointment in the final curtain call of Lieutenant First Class, Ellen Louise Ripley. She deserved better. Take a listen and let us know what you think. As always, we can be reached at We continue to look to you good and loyal listeners for support. If you have listened and enjoyed our bantering over these nearly eight ye