
Moral Injury | The crossroads of conscience



Moral injury, a term initially used in the military context during the Vietnam War to describe the psychological trauma soldiers experienced, has become increasingly relevant in medicine. In this episode, we discuss how moral injury manifests as psychological distress when healthcare professionals' actions, or inactions, contradict their moral or ethical codes, leading to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and a sense of betrayal.Our conversation will navigate through the history of this term, its definition, relationship with burnout, PTSD, and moral distress. We'll examine real-life scenarios where healthcare workers face moral dilemmas, feeling trapped in a system that often works contrary to their values. Moreover, we’ll explore individual and systemic actions that may help mitigate the impact of moral injury.Guest Bio: Kim Baumbach, MD  is an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at The Ohio State University and Assistant Director of the Kiehl Resident Wellness Endowment Awake and Aware |