School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#246 Why 'Every' Family* Should Homeschool Their Kids if They Want EXTRAORDINARY Outcomes



First, let us start by explaining what we're NOT saying in this episode. EVERY family should not homeschool. But *most* families should (we explain what that means). And NO, homeschooling does not automatically guarantee certain outcomes. There will still be TONS of work and intentional effort involved to produce the desired results. However, if you have an elevated vision of what you want your family life and legacy (and children's education) to be like: deep, connected relationships lifelong love of learning respect and admiration from your kids into their adulthood critical thinking skills parent influence over peer influence mental and emotional health and well-being personal leadership skills (time management, goal setting, project management, etc.) social leadership skills (the ability to have a meaningful conversation with anyone, anywhere) and much more... ...then homeschooling (or alternative schooling) may be the ONLY way to effectively achieve those extraordinary ends. The