Breaking Through With Kristin Rowe-finkbeiner (powered By Momsrising)

Stop the Criminalization of Miscarriages, Your Story Has Power, Government Shutdowns Explained, and Marching Grows Movements



On the radio show this week we cover the importance of access to abortioncare and of stopping the criminalization of miscarriages; we talk about how your story can shape our world – and change public policy; we hear what’s really happening in Congress with the threat of a government shutdown; and we also learn why marching makes a difference and how you can join in with the Women’s March.    *Special guests include: Beatriz Beckford, MomsRising, @MomsRising; dream hampton, author, activist, award-winning filmmaker, including most recently of Ladies First, a Netflix series that charted in the top ten; Catherine Rowland, Congressional Progressive Caucus Center, @WeBuildProgress; and Rachel O'Leary Carmona, Women’s March, @womensmarch.