What The Hell Happened To Them?

Rat Race



Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Whoopi Goldberg. Hangin' Ten continues with film #10! Patrick comes down with an illness and thinks it's caused by Keebler elves. Joe does not want to indulge his madness and ignores him by watching ten movies in a row. Lev is more willing to play ball and avenges Patrick by destroying a Keebler display at a local grocery store. Which store? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in January 2024. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Rat Race' is available Blu-ray (and presumably DVD and/or VHS): https://www.amazon.com/Rat-Race-Blu-ray-Rowan-Atkinson/dp/B08YDLZLK9/ref=sr_1_4?crid=17GPQHQV487L7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LJUwRK4CvxnIBJyGfYJu6z1lAJ670o5-wyv_Evy4GyulHV9JlXAl2HSQTJSLgSO3vwUV0U5J9azbHMFo_Zav4Wpu-XTzecU-6i4q4BE2Y9_CH5hmKjBiL5byG_ZBRA-Q-08utFwuBO8Pg1IToBppig.eliJKuGgTc_TYTrzyzGNQeM1h-HZGMeB1UBX5Eu-rTc&