Social Entrepreneur With Nathan A Webster

EP 188 - The 25 yrs of a Marketing Agency navigating Turnover Recessions and Pandemic



We welcome Gravitate's Don Elliot been in the marketing trenches for a long time. Seen trends come and go, budgets slashed, tears shed, and victories hard-won. My agency, well, it's more than just a company; it's a battle cry, a testament to the resilience of creativity and the power of adaptation. Why should you, a fellow marketing warrior, care about our battle scars? Get your survival kit ready: Learn the battle-tested strategies we used to navigate industry upheavals and keep our clients afloat. Discover the resilience gene: Uncover the secrets of building a team that can adapt, innovate, and conquer any obstacle. Find your marketing mojo: Reignite your passion with stories of grit, creativity, and the unwavering belief in the power of marketing. This video isn't just a history lesson; it's a field manual for the modern marketer. It's a blueprint for building an agency that not only survives, but thrives, in the ever-changing landscape of marketing. So, grab your metaphorical weapon of choice (laptop, p