Chaz & Aj In The Morning

Friday, June 2: Competitive Parents; Dumb Ass News; Advice For Grads



Comedian Emily Siero was in with Chaz and AJ, and comedian Pat Oates was on as a "self-serving weirdo parent." Apparently, for parents of students in Newington there is a competitive tradition of hanging signs for their graduating children. WFSB even covered the story, which includes tailgating mothers and "rules" to follow to hang your sign. (0:00) Dumb Ass News - A village-owned swan was killed and eaten by three guys in upstate New York, who claimed to think it was a duck. No one believed them, but the conversation turned to a strange topic about celebrities, and who would taste better. (14:00) Advice to the graduates! Chaz and AJ asked the Tribe for the advice they wished they had before going to college, and shared some examples of failure as a "what not to do." (19:56) Dani Barker is a screenwriter, who has a new horror movie coming out, "Follow Her." Dani admitted that most of the on screen violence was based on her experience for a hidden camera show, responding to strange Craigslist requests like