Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 175: If He Did It For Them, He Can Do It For ME Part 2 - But, will God actually be faithful to me?



All these other people you see get their prayers answered, from finding their spouses, having babies, getting that job, or something else, and you ask yourself, “What do they have that I don’t that they got their prayers answered, but I haven’t gotten mine?” You’re tired and you’re exhausted from waiting and waiting and waiting. In 2 Kings 6 through 7, the king of Samaria boldly asks with bitterness, “Why should I wait for the Lord any longer” to end a famine devastating the land. If you find yourself asking the same question, “Why should I wait for the Lord any longer,” this episode deep dives into answering this exact question for believers today.    Monologue: Autumn announces a new chapter in her life and how excited she is about it. Message: Autumn pulls wisdom from 2 Kings 6 through 7 and what happens when someone asks the bold question, “Why should I wait for the Lord any longer?” Question: “I need someone to interpret a sign that I asked for God to show me. I prayed for a cardinal to sit on a specific