Limit Free Life With Michelle Perkins

EP 113 Melody Of Transformation: From Rock to Resilience



Michele Blood is a successful, multi-talented and super successful songwriter and rock singer in Australia. After a near-fatal car accident, while in the hospital with many serious injuries, she created positive Affirmation Songs which not only healed her body but also took her to worldwide success. Her songs about being a "magnet for money" are universally loved and we had a great conversation about "thoughts and money" as well as how her music can transform your money relationship.She has been on stage with Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and many of the greats of the transformational, self-development world. These Affirmation songs affect the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Lyrics, the left hemisphere, and melody and music, the right hemisphere so the new, positive messages go straight to the subconscious mind. This is why millions of people worldwide have downloaded her Affirmation Power songs. These songs cover healing, success, money, joy, confidence and they uplift the person immediately.In additio