Apostle Sydney Quaye

The Prophecy of Rising



Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church Prophecy is the speakings of God, which is a movement of either the word of God or the Spirit of God. In the resounding verses of Isaiah 60, a compelling call echoes for God's people to rise and shine. In this illuminating episode, the Apostle delves into the distinctive prophetic ministry of Isaiah, unveiling how contemporary believers are intricately woven into the prophecy encapsulated in Isaiah 60. Delving deeper, the message seeks to unravel the three elements shrouded in darkness. It navigates the empowering journey of believers, providing insights on how they can ascend beyond the shadows that may surround them. This transformative discourse sheds light on the enigma of rising and imparts a profound understanding to believers about the things they are divinely empowered to keep beneath them. Prepare to transcend the realms of darkness as you engage with the transformative insights in this impactful message, where the call to