
116. Resistance | How to crack inertia



We all have an internal drive that propels us forward, inspiring us to achieve and create. Yet, there's also an innate anti-drive, a subtle yet powerful force that holds us back. This episode delves deeply into the nature of this anti-drive. We explore the foundations of resistance, drawing insights from Stephen Pressfield's 'The War of Art' and linking it to entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics. We'll examine why resistance occurs, how it manifests in both our personal and professional lives, and the various ways it can be hidden, even under the guise of positivity. We'll discuss practical strategies to overcome this resistance, ranging from the psychological tools developed by Phil Stutz to Stephen Pressfield’s adopting a professional mindset. ººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººAwake and Aware | Our 2024 Live EventJoin us at Awake and Aware 2024, a transformative 3-day workshop from May 1st to 3rd in Bend, Oregon. Focusing on interactive experiences, this event offers a unique opportunity to reset,