Hacks & Hobbies

E567 - Treasa Edmond - How to Master Your Entrepreneurial Journey and Conquer Content Challenges



In this episode, we dive deep into the entrepreneurial journey of our guest, Teresa Edmond. From discovering her passion for words while editing dissertations to becoming a bestselling ghostwriter, Teresa's journey is filled with valuable insights. We discuss the importance of understanding your audience and share tips on conquering content challenges. Teresa also talks about her passion project, 'Boss Responses,' a podcast that helps freelancers and small business owners navigate client relationships and communication. Tune in for a dose of inspiration and practical advice! Our Guest Websites:www.bossresponses.comwww.edmondwriting.comSocial Media!Instagram: @bossresponsesLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/treasaedmond/ Hacks to take away: Consistency is key in content creation. Posting one high-quality piece of content per week can be highly effective, especially if you're just starting. Tailor your content to your audience. Understand your audience's needs, preferences, and pa