The Learning Leader Show With Ryan Hawk

560: Dr. Barry Posner - Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Encourage Others to Act (The Leadership Challenge)



Pre-order our new book, The Score That Matters Full show notes at Dr. Barry Posner, author of The Leadership Challenge and The Truth About Leadership   The 4 characteristics of leaders whom we would most choose to follow: Honest (trustworthy, they do what they say they’re going to do) Competent (Smart, and constantly learning) Inspiring - Energetic, enthusiastic. Inspire means to breathe life in to... Forward-looking - They have a sense of the future. They share a compelling vision People all have values, but not everyone knows what they are. To know what our values are, we must be thoughtful and intentional about them and do the reflective work to understand what we value most. What is Kouzes and Posner's leadership theory? Their research, which they conducted over almost 20 years, suggested that leadership is not a position, but a collection of practices and behaviors. These practices serve as guidance for leaders to accomplish their achievements or “to get