Magic Of The Spheres Podcast

From Seed to Celebration, Cultivating Enjoyment with our Food with Melissa Schwimmer



On episode 260: We are back with an interview! I had this conversation in late October with a new friend Melissa Schwimmer who I met on my last visit to LA & I was very enchanted by her fun-spirited energy and clear passion & depth of knowledge for all things food. I am getting this interview uploaded juuust as Sagittarius season is coming to a close, Melissa is a Sagittarius Sun and you will likely feel it — not just for her offering us bigger perspectives and education but in her encouragement to INDULGE in the GOOD IN LIFE, which is as Sag-life and Jupiter as it comes.. in this episode we talk about shifting our mindsets around food, and opening to a joyful relationship with food coming out of perhaps being more contracted or stressed about it. Keeping in mind Uranus is still in Taurus — we are all I believe due for continued breakthroughs around our relationship with earth, resources, nourishment, the body, eating, and food, and I hope this episode supports you in getting sensual and delicious in