Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

553 | Expecting The Best From Others In Life and In Your Workplace



Use the timestamps below to guide you better as a leader or individual:Extending benefit of doubt to people, why it's important and how it affects us. 0:00Chris LoCurto discusses the importance of extending the benefit of the doubt to people, rather than assuming the worst, to avoid living in a state of constant frustration and cynicism.Jim Collins defines a cynic as someone who has had a lot of hope let down, and Chris agrees that many of us have a level of cynicism in our lives, but it's important to overcome it to build stronger relationships.Chris LoCurto emphasizes that assuming the best about others is more about personal growth than it is about changing others.Negative thoughts can control an individual's decision-making process, emotions, and relationships, leading to a destructive cycle of cortisol production and happiness hormone depletion.The benefits of assuming positive intentions in others. 4:51Chris LoCurto suggests assuming positive aspects of others to change one's emotional posture and creat