Hacks & Hobbies

E564 - Chase Neely - How to Build a Powerful Personal Brand



In this episode, we got to speak with Chase Neely. He is the Co-Founder and President of Leverage Brands. By trade and training, Chase is an intellectual property attorney who helps grammy award-winning songwriters, producers, New York Times bestselling authors, and other creative professionals at the intersection between their business and their art. Leverage is the third company Chase founded. He started his own law firm in 2012. Then, in 2016, Chase founded Kirkwood Business Management, Inc., a tax strategy and preparation firm for creative professionals, which he sold in 2019. Our Guest LeverageBrands.coLinkedin.com/in/ChaseNeely Hacks to take away est and Iterate: In both marketing and business operations, testing and iterating are crucial. Marketing, in particular, is an inexact science, and you won't know what works until you test different strategies and make improvements based on the results. Measure What Matters: Focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) that are vital for your business.