5 Minute Italian

30: How to buy train and bus tickets



If you come to Italy on holiday, you’ll probably need to buy travel tickets, whether it’s to get from the airport to your accommodation, go around the town, or head off and explore the surrounding areas. Find out how, in episode 30 of 5 minute Italian. Learn to speak and understand Italian faster! To get free bonus materials for this episode, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: http://joyoflanguages.com/italian-travel-phrases-tickets/ Today’s words Scusi = excuse me (formal, with people you don’t know) Si può = is it possible (literally: can one?) Si può comprare un biglietto = is it possible to buy a ticket? (literally: can one buy a ticket?) Per = for Il tram = the tram Qui = here Allora = so/in that case Prendo = I’ll have (literally: I take) Un biglietto giornaliero = a day travel pass Mi dispiace = sorry Bisogna = it’s necessary Andare = go A = to La stazione = the station A + la = alla (to the) Alla stazione = to the station Di = of La = the Di + la = della (of the) La stazione de