5 Minute Italian

64: How to say "the" in Italian: The basics



Watch the video for today's lesson in our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian/permalink/2288483834543123/ Get the bonus materials for today's lesson: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-to-say-the-in-italian-il-la-i-le/ Today's words il formaggio = (the) cheese Mi piace il formaggio = I like (the) cheese il prosciutto crudo = (the) Parma ham (a cured meat) prosciutto = ham crudo = raw i pomodorini = (the) cherry tomatoes il pomodorino = the cherry tomato  il grissino = the breadstick i grissini = (the) breadsticks La pancetta = (the) bacon La mortadella = a type of Italian cold cut from Bologna. La carota = (the) carrot. Le carote = (the) carrots. La mela = (the) apple. Le mele = (the) apples.