5 Minute Italian

95: 8 Basic Phrases to Get Unstuck in Italian



Didn’t understand? Lost for words? Just keep getting stuck when you start speaking Italian? These 8 basic phrases will help you keep the conversation flowing. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://tiny.one/joyoflanguages-italian-school Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/basic-phrases-in-italian/ Today's Italian words: Parla inglese? = do you speak English? Possiamo parlare in italiano? = can we speak in Italian? Vorrei imparare = I’d like to learn Scusi, non ho capito = sorry, I didn’t understand Può ripetere, per favore? = can you repeat, please? Un po' = a little No, mi dispiace = no, sorry Più piano, per favore = more slowly, please. Come si dice...? = how do you say...? Non parlo bene… ma ci provo! = I don’t speak well… but I’ll try! Posso ordinare? = can I order? Dov’è il bagno? = where’s the bathroom?