5 Minute Italian

96: Don’t Be Rude! How to Meet, Greet and Be Polite in Italian



Want to make a good impression when you meet Italians? Learn the do’s and don'ts when it comes to greeting and being polite in Italian. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://tiny.one/joyoflanguages-italian-school Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/greeting-in-italian/ Today's Italian words: un caffè, per favore = a coffee, please grazie = thank you prego = you're welcome scusi = excuse me / sorry buongiorno = hello (during the day) buonasera = hello (during the evening) salve = hello (any time of day) ciao = hi (informal) sono Katie = I'm Katie come si chiama? = what's your name? (formal) piacere = pleased to meet you buona giornata = have a good day buona serata = have a good evening arrivederci = good bye