Inspirational Creatives Podcast

ICP 315 - Write a List For Everything



Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed with all of the things you need to thing about? Clearing our mind of mental clutter by writing things down can reduce overwhelm and anxiety. And keeping lists can help us to prioritise, make better decisions and use our minds more effectively for other things that matter. In this short episode, I explore with you the pros and cons of keeping lists; both written and digital. And how lists can help us to plan our time. We also explore why creativity is as much about getting things down as coming up with things... Resources mentioned in this episode: The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron Getting Things Done by David Allen Interview with Charlie Gilkey from Productive Flourishing Ruth Nuss blog In this short season of 33 short episodes, I want to share with you some ideas that I've picked up towards improving our lives as creative beings - to help you boost your creativity. Find out more at: