Hacks & Hobbies

E558 - Steve Griggs - How to Build a Resilient Mindset in Business



In this episode, we have a special guest, Steve, joining us. Steve is an experienced entrepreneur in the landscape architecture industry. He's faced numerous challenges and setbacks but has always come out stronger. In this episode, Steve shares his incredible journey, the highs, the lows, and the invaluable lessons he's learned along the way. So, grab a seat and get ready for an inspiring conversation! Our Guest linkedin.com/in/stevegriggsdesign stevegriggsdesign.com (Personal) stevegriggsdesign.com/portal (Blog) stevegriggsdsgn Hacks to take away: Business Hack: Do What You Say You're Going to Do: The most significant hack for getting business success is always doing what you promise without excuses. Consistently delivering on your commitments builds trust, leads to referrals, and fosters repeat business. Establish Credibility with a Book: Writing a book instantly elevates your credibility in your field. People are more inclined to hire someone who has authored a book on the subject, as it p