Julie In Conversation

Intuition and trusting the timing of things, creations, relationships...life, really. With Host, Julie Cusmariu



Julie Cusmariu hosts and does intuitive readings with her listners this hour from Maryland and British Columbia. Bring your tea, take a deep breath, exhale and enjoy this hour for yourself.To trusting the timing.Also have you checked out my Patreon page? Come be a patreon and help support this podcast to ensure it continues on and travels far and wide, positively sharing voices that are creating change in this world.www.Patreon.com/Julie-in-conversationwww.JulieinConversation.com is another way to donate with the donation button. You will be additionally thanked and appreciated.Cheers. Thanks for listening.May you find benefit from these conversations. Share what you benefited with me on my instagram or facebook page @juliecusmariu.Also reviews help the podcast travel far and wide too. You can leave a review on Apple Podcasts when you search Julie in Conversation.