Bela Lugosi's Shed

Episode 59 - Never Too Soon



We're not normally ones for covering up to the moment current affairs on this podcast, we're more comfortable with a couple of films that were released before we were even born, but it's hard to be in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and not cast your eye over the myriad horror films based around diseases and outbreaks. So we've picked out two that we particularly enjoyed and talked about them, and how we could maybe have learned a few lessons from them. We've also got a dark horror fantasy for you in our Easily Available Horror section and the usual bit of news and chat. There's a secret co-host who joins us for the last ten minutes or so - one of our many cats decided to visit the Shed and complain loudly that we were starving it to death because it was past feeding time!   Easily Available Horror: Tigers Are Not Afraid (2017) from Shudder on Amazon Prime.