Ojos Abiertos

Summary - week 27 November 2023 - The Right Side of Zero



Great week - we Star with Liv Boeree interviewing Uma Valeti who is printing chicken meet. She tried it and said it was great https://open.spotify.com/episode/2ZpZpjKm82dt11vwIxfgzO?si=YRdtmB05RGyaS49aFlT17w Tuesday Kevin H. Gary talked about boredom and not trusting being bored. ( I might have missed the point.) https://open.spotify.com/episode/7dtKDu4wYEZ6psByHjDd1F?si=GcEyzLW_R5-UZfRGhh7xlA Wednesday 99% Invisible was about cassette tapes and The Grateful Dead. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0PZz9JL4BFcoaBQOohbDnY?si=Ij9D00tCRQOsxRVAcIu1rQ Thursday Tim Ferriss and Willoughby Britton talk about the dangers of Meditation. https://open.spotify.com/episode/5Lwknfar5FWSXFL5xA5xKc?si=KqigP0oCSlyoT0L4CPn6HA Friday Dr. Rangan Chatterjee invited Dr. Tommy Wood to talk about caffeine, sugar, protein and more. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3fXyn0NlRi7bFMZnsuRUxj?si=DvRxngDZS0SD1IDuGvhCpA I end the week making a commentary about the animated series Invincible and how it share a storytelling formula with the book