Tv Movie Mistress

History & Politics: What makes a dictator?



The word dictator gets thrown around a low now a days, but what exactly makes a dictator? Sulla was the first dictator in Roman history, and after his came Julius Caesar.  What did he think was needed to stop the flow of Roman ambition from destroying the Roman empire and did it help? FDR was Americas first and only 4 term president; from the great depression to WW2.  He did the unthinkable, passed away and changed the dynamics of the American political landscape. But aside from their political ambitions, theirs a bit of ratchet, as we get to these men and how even the mighty end up falling. From Sulla in ancient rome to FDR in the past and the state of US democracy today. Twitter: @BookDreamer01 @TVMovieMistress Email: TvMovieMistress@Gmail.Com Donations are welcome and appreciated: Don't forget to leave a 5 star review on ITunes & Stitcher. Every review and 5 star rating counts and is appreciated!!  Send all emails to TvMovieMistress@Gmail.Com