F.I.R.E.D UP with Krista Mashore

6 R's to Building Long-Term Client Relationships - The Complete Sales Cycle Part 6



Brace yourselves for the grand finale of our series as we unravel the potency of the 6 R's - Refer, Retain, Resell, Rituals, Routines, and Retirement - tailored exclusively for real estate agents... In this episode, we explore the importance of implementing client referral programs and maintaining consistent communication to encourage client referrals and foster organic business growth. Understand the significance of client retention strategies, including personalized follow-ups, relevant market updates, and proactive real estate guidance, to ensure that your existing clients remain satisfied and engaged with your real estate services. Discover the power of reselling and upselling to existing clients by offering tailored property recommendations and investment opportunities that align with their evolving real estate needs and goals. Delve into the concept of building rituals and routines that enhance client engagement and create a memorable real estate experience, fostering a strong emotional connection and c