Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

Week 48 - Think Like a Child



Week 48 - Think Like a Child All the links: LINKT.REE/BARBARAFAISON You can listen to this on my podcast - 7:01 mins          In the US, the holiday season has officially started. Over the weekend my hubby, TD and I were in Columbia, TN visiting his family. TD’s great niece, Leliana will be three this week and she was full of energy and brought a lot of joy to the household. If I could just get little of that energy! Lol. It’s always a blast to be around young children to watch how they engage with people and the world around them. Spending time around her reminded me of one of the topics in my book, Why Struggle? life is too short to wear tight shoes, Think Like a Child. Take a listen and let me know your thoughts. Think like A Child Do you remember the last time you laughed until you cried? When was the last time you were really curious about how something worked? When was the last time you looked at something and were amazed? A young child has a unique outlook on life and can help you remember how aweso