The Emma Guns Show

Kathryn Hansen | Binge Eating, Eating Disorder Recovery and what it means to 'eat well'.



Kathryn Hansen changed my life. I don't say that lightly, but her book Brain over Binge helped me confront, come to terms with and ultimately start recovery from an eating disorder I didn't even realise I had. You see, binge eating disorders tend to go undiagnosed and actually impact more people combined than the better-known anorexia nervosa and anorexia bulimia. It can be easily dismissed as gluttony, laziness, greed and a whole host of other negative labels that nobody really wants to wear. Still, it is a recognised emotional/mental illness that can be supported with treatments, including counselling.I had lived in shame for years since I was a child and my weight tipped over into the obese category at the doctors, so I began a relationship with food that was secret, feast or famine and co-dependent and which led my body to look and feel a way I didn't want it to.In this episode, four years after reading Kathryn's book and being able to install lifestyle changes that have changed my relationship with food