Lactation Business Coaching With Annie And Leah

Lactation in the Office: Pros and Cons



This episode of Lactation Business Coaching with Annie and Leah is called "Is an Office Right for Your Lactation Practice?" There are several options to move into an office setting as an IBCLC, from setting up in a physician's office to sharing an office space to building your own home office.Of course, there are pros and cons to each office setting. It would be wise to evaluate on a quarterly basis to see which option is best for you or if an office setting is even the best fit for your business."So I think there's a lot of possibilities. It would be something, if you were going to look into having your own office, maybe finding your own space to take over to really sit down and do an official business plan and sit down maybe with your accountant or hire an accountant if you don't have one or get a business coach to really run the numbers and see what are the possibilities here?"In this episode, we will cover: Office setting 1: Working in a physician office Office setting 2: Shared office setting Office sett