Hacks & Hobbies

E555 - Brian Schulman - How to Create Globally Impactful Live Shows and Spread Positive Vibes



Known as the Godfather of LinkedIn Video and one of the world’s top video marketing experts, Brian has been on the Internet since it was green screen and chat rooms and has 21 years of proven Digital Marketing experience strategizing with IR500 and Fortune 500 brands across the globe. A Forbes Featured Entrepreneur and LinkedIn Top Voice, Brian is the Founder & CEO of Voice Your Vibe. He serves on a number of Boards and is a trusted Advisor and mentor to founders and companies across the world.Named a 2019 LinkedIn Video Creator of the Year, Brian is one of the pioneering Top LinkedIn Video and LinkedInLIVE Creators in the world and is a sought-after international speaker who does speaking engagements throughout the year. In July 2019, he broke the #LinkedInLIVE record, broadcasting live for more than 4 hours.Through workshops and 1-on-1 mastery coaching, Brian teaches Founders and C-Suite Executives who want to find their voice, show up and don't know how - how to voice their vibe, attract their trib