Essies Hour Of Love

EP 29 | Life as Foster Child w/Lisa Marie Basile



Excited to kick off a brand new season with the inspiring Lisa Marie Basile. Lisa’s story takes some unpredictable turns from life in foster care to practicing witchcraft and creating rituals. Don’t worry, it’s not as SPOOKY as it may sound! She is an editor, writer and poet living in NYC. She’s written two books of poetry Apocryphal, and Nympholepsy - due out next November. Her upcoming first novel is a fiction about New Orleans, sex death, and finding the self. But her writing doesn't end there, she’s also the founding editor-and-chief of Luna Luna Magazine which has been described as content divided into “light” and “dark”. Listen to her episode and maybe you’ll be just as bewitched by her story as us. Follow Lisa on Instagram @lisamariebasile #lisamariebasile, or reach out to her at /