Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

Week 47 - What are You Practicing?



Week 47 - What are You Practicing? All the links - linktr.ee/barbarafaison In episode 39 - Gratitude is an Attitude and a Practice - I shared that enhanced optimism, better sleep and lower levels of anxiety and depression are a few of the benefits of practicing gratitude. Did you also know that people who practice gratitude experience less aches and pains? That’s a great reason to write, speak or express gratitude regularly. Enjoy this excerpt from my book called, Be Grateful. Be Grateful I say “thank you, God” all day long. I feel so blessed and grateful for my life and the people in my life. Even when things are not as great as I would like them to be, I’m still grateful for I know I have the ability to move forward. Do you have all five senses? BE GRATEFUL. Can you walk? BE GRATEFUL. Are you able to eat? BE GRATEFUL. Do you have shelter? BE GRATEFUL. Do you have clothing for your body? BE GRATEFUL. Can you read? BE GRATEFUL. Can you think and express yourself? BE GRATEFUL. Being grateful has now been scien