What The Hell Happened To Them?




Podcast for a deep examination into the career and life choices of Whoopi Goldberg. Hangin' Ten continues with film #3! The recording booth gets haunted and it's up to Joe to figure out which ghost is the sexiest. Patrick is confused why ghosts would care about physical appearances. Is the answer he discovers a satisfying and/or logical one? Find out on this week's episode of 'What the Hell Happened to Them?' Email the cast at whathappenedtothem@gmail.com Disclaimer: This episode was recorded in November 2023. References may feel confusing and/or dated unusually quickly. 'Ghost' is available DVD and Blu-Ray (no VHS, oddly enough): https://www.amazon.com/Ghost-Patrick-Swayze/dp/B01M9E1V0R/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2J7W2DN2IV320&keywords=ghost+dvd&qid=1699319320&s=movies-tv&sprefix=ghost+dvd%2Cmovies-tv%2C144&sr=1-3 Music from "I Am a Ghost" by Andrew Hewitt and "What's New Scooby Doo (DGT Remix)" by Crown Alien Artwork from BJ West   quixotic, united, skeyhill, vekeman, whoopi, goldberg, ghost, swayz