The John Campea Podcast

The John Campea Podcast: Episode 2 - JK Simmons Is Batman's Commissioner Gordon



On this episode of The John Campea Podcast, recorded on Tuesday, March 8th 2016, I talk about the following topics:1) JK Simmons Joins JUSTICE LEAGUE as Commissioner Gordon2) Margot Robbie says Court Jester costume almost used for Suicide Squad3) Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg Might Be Making a ‘Where’s Waldo?’ Movie4) Could Arnold Schwarzenegger Return for ‘The Predator’?Twitter Questions:MattMur247@johncampea What do you think BvS will get on Rotten Tomatoes? I hope BvS is not as split as Man of Steel was... #TJCPDirtyInVegasWhat did you think of UFC 196?abmythwwe@johncampea Would Marvel really be dumb enough to let Sony make a Venom movie that is not going to connect with Spider-Man/MCU? #TJCPShireen_Mc@johncampea Have you heard anything about the Arrested Development movie?#ArrestedDevelopment #TJCPturbeville_t@johncampea #TJCP will you ever have guests like the schmoes or Schnepp on?Justin_VickCould you conceive a Marvel Zombies movie? Could be a cash grab before the inevitable Avengers reboot & reintr