The John Campea Podcast

The John Campea Podcast: Episode 14 - Star Wars Rogue One Trailer, Jungle Book Review



On this episode of The John Campea Podcast (recorded Thursday, April 7th 2016) John talks about the following:Star Wars Rogue One trailer hitsJohn reviews The Jungle BookAndy Serkis' Jungle Book movie moved to 2018TWITTER QUESTIONS:JordanDean98@johncampea What's your favourite TV show of all time? #tjcpjla62281992#TJCP thoughts on who is in the grave on arrow?MissBreeSharpie@johncampea Why doesn't WB just make a definitive announcement about the Solo Batman movie already? What are they nervous about? #TJCPchewdie@johncampea #TJCP Has Joss Whedon been exiled from Hollywood? He was absent from the SW:TFA premiere & now he's back 2 writing comics. Why?