The John Campea Podcast

The John Campea Podcast Ep 32 - Chris Hemsworth Returns In Star Trek 4 Ghostbusters 2 Coming



On this episode of The John Campea Podcast (recorded Monday July 18th 2016) John discusses the following topics: - New Netflix series STRANGER THINGS - Star Wars Celebration letdown - Han Solo funeral in Episode VIII - No opening crawl for Star Wars Rogue One - Ghostbusters 2 almost confirmedAnd the following questions from the viewers:With Matt Damon recently saying he would join a superhero project if Ben Affleck were to direct him, do you think there is a possibility that he might show up in Affleck's 'Batman' film? ~Lewis McAllisterMy question is what are your special SDCC "surprises"(something unexpected that blows everyone's minds like the BvS announcement or Godzilla 2k14 in previous panels) that you would like to see announced this year? I would personally love to see WB finally put some clarity on their Mortal Kombat reboot after all those years of rumors. ~R CrzHi John. In the past you have talked about Movie Pass. I was just wondering if you had any thoughts on the new pricing structure that the